Who we are

Very little do the people know that our Bharath hosted a lot of varieties of Domesticated animals used to serve the people for their needs for Milk and its by-products and for transportation and agricultural purposes. The native breeds of Bharath are slowly being lost due to misleading directions on cross-breeding with exotic stocks and indiscriminate native stock which is slaughtered for meat and exported. Our native breed can adapt to various food types and has a robust immune system that can fight against different weather conditions and diseases are now becoming extinct. Mutated breeds which yield increased productivity is being promoted for the last three decades to meet the demand for animal products.
The whole idea of the Shivasakthi Swaroopini farm is to try to collect these native breeds of Bharath and protect them. Starting from in-house breeding to the maintenance of various types of poultry and animals which includes the Sahiwal, Gir, Kangeyam, Khillari, Amrit, Bargur, and so on in the cattle segment. Siruvadai, Kadaknath, Aseel, Chittagong in the Poultry segment.
The by-products of these have great medicinal values and are being patented by the white country while we as Indians have given the least importance.
An integrated farm with various herbs that have medicinal properties like the traditional Basil, Mint, Thyme, Neem, Soursop etc. has been planted.